Donate Your Halloween Candy To Veterans Overseas!


Fuente: Rylee Davis

Rylee Davis, Contributing Writer

As Halloween nears, so does the large abundance of candy that comes with it. I think many people can agree Halloween sometimes brings a little too much candy than the average person needs in their life. Admit it, you still have candy from two years ago sitting in your cupboard at home. This is why it is so incredible that this year we have the opportunity to sacrifice some of our candy to people who really deserve it. As of March 2021, 170,000 active duty military members are serving in overseas locations. These brave men and women have diligently fought for the protection of our country. To thank them, this year, Huntington High School’s Key Club is collecting and donating unopened, extra candy. If you would like to contribute, please place the candy in a ziplock bag with your name and grade level. Turn it in to either Mrs. Krycinski in Room 247 or Mrs. Colica in Room 241. The deadline is this THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4. Candy turned in after the due date will not be accepted. Thank you for your participation! Happy Halloween!!  


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